We have built this website ( www.greencitychallenge.org domain name, the “Website”) to educate New Yorkers about the ways to Live Green, Work Green and Eat Green in New York City.  As part of our mission, we have instituted an Open Mic Forum (“Open Mic Forum”) that allows visitors to submit articles written by them and […]

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  • Microplastic Wastes in Our Oceans

    Most of the attention given to threats on sea life is focused on plastic wastes that we can see. But another peril to the oceans eco-system comes in a much smaller form. The amount of microscopic plastic particles in the ocean has tripled since the 1960’s. All of the plastic ever made is still on […]

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  • Ten Tips to Clean Living in a Toxic World

    It is common knowledge that we are polluting our environment at an alarming rate.  But since we are actually one of the species on the planet we are also polluting ourselves.  Hundreds of chemicals are inside each of us.  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) tested hundreds of people through its bio-monitoring program and found small amounts of chemical […]

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  • What to do with all this Recyclable Stuff?

    Does your community offer a home recycling program? Well if the answer is yes, then take advantage of a great opportunity with Recyclebank.com. This innovative site promotes living green in every fashion. Its mission is to take action that will have a positive impact on our planet by trading the actions you make with the […]

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  • Sustainable Flatbush

      Sustainable Flatbush brings neighbors together to mobilize, educate, and advocate for sustainable living in our Brooklyn neighborhood and beyond. Our vision of a sustainable neighborhood includes equal access to healthy food and open spaces; preserving affordable housing (and the diverse population it enables) through innovative energy practices; and high-quality, resource-efficient transportation options (including cycling). As […]

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