• Passive House Green Building

    Passive House Green Building

    Passive House is an international standard for green building which reduces a buildings footprint on ecology. Passive House was created in Darmstadt Germany. And has a much larger concentration in Europe, but is swiftly increasing it’s penetration in the United States. Passive House reduces the buildings operational energy demand through passive measures and components. This […]

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  • How To Go Green in Your Office

    How To Go Green in Your Office

    Take a moment to think about how much unnecessary trash your office produces or excess energy your workplace uses. Greening your office will not only reduce your carbon footprint and create a more sustainable work environment, it can lower high utility costs. Follow these tips for creating an eco-friendly office and reducing your impact on […]

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  • Everyone’s an Environmentalist: 6 High-Paying Environmental Jobs

    Everyone’s an Environmentalist: 6 High-Paying Environmental Jobs

    Environmentalists are often referred to as “tree huggers,” “hippies” or always “going green.” But in today’s world, everyone is seen as an environmentalist, where more and more people are concerned with the future of our earth and the environment, it makes people more conscious and aware of their environmental impact and people using more eco-friendly […]

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  • PlaNYC: Make it a Social Movement

    Central to the City’s sustainability efforts is PlaNYC, the monumental program linking hundreds of greening initiatives across City operations. Yet how sustainable is PlaNYC itself? As a project of the Mayor’s Office, it was created almost completely by government agency staff and consultants. The public wasn’t involved in creating the plan, so no grassroots constituency […]

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  • EcoChi For Interior Design

    EcoChi For Interior Design

    Every space has a life of its own, and impacts us as we go about our lives. Our actions, energy and thoughts, as well as our physical well-being, are all profoundly influenced by our surroundings. The design, color scheme, textures, light, furnishings, accessories and placement of each item in our indoor environments impact our senses […]

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