• The Past, Present and Future of Food Production

    The Past, Present and Future of Food Production

    The Green Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s brought an array of agricultural technology that helped the world’s population almost double in size. The 21st century, however, brings a new set of challenges. A continually increasing population, the relative scarcity of fresh water and arable land, and the unpredictable climactic effects of global warming have […]

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  • Why Eat Organic? The Dirty Dozen List

    The simple fact is that eating organic is not only healthier for you; it’s healthier for the planet.  Aside from contributing to a number of childhood diseases and ADD, artificial fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides seep into ground water.   These chemicals eventually pollute and destroy wetlands and rivers.  Even our off shore coral reefs are dying […]

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  • Learning to Compost

    Learning to Compost

    Many of us green New Yorkers know the importance of composting. We bring our food scraps to local drop off points, or maybe we even compost ourselves in our apartments. But how many of us actually know how to compost outdoors? Fortunately, the Lower East Side Ecology Center, provides workshops for just such an occasion. […]

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  • What is Macrobiotics?

    Macrobiotics, or the way of health and longevity, is a universal practice followed by diverse groups of people in every section of the globe. Just as longevity practices of eating and lifestyle took many forms throughout the world, advice on diet and lifestyle to attain health must be adjusted for each individual.

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  • Slow Food

    Slow Food is an idea, a way of living and a way of eating. It is a global, grassroots movement

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