This is a delicious vegetarian dish that everyone loves. In theย late summer and early fall these veggies can be found in your local farmers market.ย  Or better yet, taken from your garden.ย  Squashes are some of the easiest veggies to grow and are so prolific that your friends will happily share your harvest.

3- 4 medium zucchinis

1- 2 medium yellow summer squash

1 small eggplant

1 green pepper

1 large onion

6 -8 ย diced plum tomatoes with their juices

3 cloves garlic

1 tsp. red pepper flakes

1 tsp. Celtic sea salt

1 tsp. Italian seasoning

Hand-full of fresh basil, rough-chopped

Hand-full of fresh parsley, rough-chopped

Olive oil to garnish

Optional: sprinkle of parmesan cheese or some chunks of mozzarella

2 C water

Steam onion, tomatoes & green pepper in the water until softened. At this point, you may use a hand potato masher or immersion blender to create sauce.

Then add everything else except fresh herbs, oil, & cheese.

(Fried oils create free radicals, so I add them at the end, after I turn off the heat just for flavor, along with the fresh chopped herbs.)

Veggies should still be slightly al dente, so they retain nutrients.

Garnish with oil & cheese as desired.

You may also serve this over organic whole wheat or spinach pasta.


By Eco Chef Debra Secunda

See video excerpts of โ€œGreen Recipes for Health & Weight-Lossโ€ at Raw Food DVDs