On Sunday, April 24 at 1 pm Green City Challenge will co-host a screening of Love Thy Nature at Cinema Village, 22 East 12th Street in Manhattan. ย Narrated by Liam Neeson, Love Thy Nature is a cinematic journey through the beauty and intimacy of our relationship with the natural world. ย With mesmerizing artistry and fascinating details, the film explores how nature nourishes us. ย Love Thy Nature shows us that a new era of connectedness with the natural world is key to ensuring our species’ future. ย Avi Offer of Rotten Tomatoes said this of the film: “Breathtaking…Enthralling! ย It will replenish your hope in mankind and nature. ย A must see for everyone, young and old!”

Tickets are $12 for adults and $8 for children. ย Green City Challenge is co-hosting the screening of Love Thy Nature to help raise funds for our organization. ย Please buy your tickets today! ย Here is the link:


For more information, go to www.lovethynature.com

We hope to see you there on Sunday, April 24!