If I were to ask, “How many people are aware of the dangers of anti-freeze”?

Most likely, the motorists among us would raise their virtual hands.

Indeed, most people who own cars are the most likely to use anti-freeze and, perhaps, use it properly. ย Many of us know that is is potentially dangerous to pets and children who may accidentally ingest it. ย Some of us may even be aware that by its very nature, anti-freeze will not evaporate when spilled and instead will run-off into our sewers where it will be carried into waterways.

But if I asked, “How many people eat anti-freeze and feed it to their children, or rub it on their faces and bodies”?, I would get the proverbial blank stare.

Anti-freeze contains propylene glycol or PG for short. ย PG is considered “less toxic” than Ethylene Glycol or EG, another chemical additive that is used in anti-freeze and is known to be a deadly poison particularly, toxic to dogs.

One of the problems with using PG for industrial purposes, such as in your car radiator, is corrosion and promotion of “bacterial slime”. ย Yet, the FDA allows PG to be used as a food additive and can also be found in many cosmetics. ย It is not surprising that many people suffer from allergic reactions to PG and should always read labels of products that may contain it.

Here are 13 things you should avoid if you have a PG allergy (or even if you don’t):

1. bar soap/body wash

2. mouth wash

3. shampoo/conditioner

4. baking mixes

5. desserts in the bakery section of the grocery store

6. modified food starch

7. salad dressings

8. pre-packaged salad dressings

9. sauces

10. ointments

11. baby wipes

12. deodorant

13. gel cap pills and vitamins