Tuesday, May 5 is Giving Tuesday!
In normal times, Giving Tuesday is in November. However, these are not normal times!
Many non-profit organizations are short on funds and are unable to deliver the services they ordinarily provide. Therefore, a special Giving Tuesday has been designated for Tuesday, May 5, 2020 to target non-profit organizations that have been hit hard by the Covid 19 pandemic.
Fortunately, Green City Challenge has a rainy day fund. We are not asking you to make a donation to Green City Challenge at this time. We are asking you to make a donation to your favorite food pantry, local community group, or environmental organization.
As far as Green City Challenge is concerned, we are looking to fill couple of board members positions. We are also looking for volunteers who can devote a few hours per week to help us manage and govern Green City Challenge. Although, New York City schools are closed right now, they will re-open in a few months and we want to be ready to bring our iconic games that teach kids about sustainability into the schools as soon as they re-open! Do you have experience as a teacher, program manager, or fundraiser? We want to hear from you! Please call or email Les at 718-530-5074 or Les@greencitychallenge.org