We are a group of volunteers who help shape public policy decisions in order to protect public health and promote sustainability on this planet through organizing and mobilizing groups of like-minded citizens. ย Our current focus is to stop shale gas drilling, halt the infrastructure expansion for gas and fossil fuels, and promote sustainable and renewable energy solutions. ย Specifically, we are working to raise public awareness of the unacceptable risks posed by hydraulically fractured shale gas drilling to our water, air, and earth. ย These risks endanger our health and our lives. ย
We seek to empower people to organize, unite and take actions towards a safer, healthier future.
Stop Hydraulic Fracturing Now, before it destroys our precious ecosystem and contaminates the pristine water supply of 15 Million people from New York City to Philadelphia!
Hydraulic Fracturing or “Hydrofracking” is a toxic and hazardous process of natural gas extraction which has caused irreparable damage to the environment. It has caused sickness and death in humans and animals, and made farms, homes and large tracts of land uninhabitable.
Join United for Action and take a stand! ย This time these big oil and gas companies have gone too far! ย If we cannot defend our own drinking water, what can we protect?ย